CAT articulated haulers pair excellently with a wide range of K-Tec products. Each CAT six wheel drive truck model matches with a K-Tec ADT scraper model to become the ultimate in earthmoving efficiency. The K-Tec scraper solution enables any CAT ADT to be converted into a single operator mass excavation machine in under 10 hours and is fully reversible. In the event that a dump body or ejector body is needed for the project, the CAT truck can easily be converted back, making the K-Tec + CAT solution the ultimate in dirt work versatility. No matter what model of CAT artic. truck comprises your fleet, you’re sure to find a K-Tec product to take your productivity to the next level.
Volvo articulated haulers pair excellently with a wide range of K-Tec products. Each Volvo six wheel drive truck model matches with a K-Tec ADT scraper model to become the ultimate in earthmoving efficiency. The K-Tec scraper solution enables any Volvo ADT to be converted into a single operator mass excavation machine in under 10 hours and is fully reversible. K-Tec and Volvo also continue to collaborate on projects such as the new EJB4X – 40 ton ejector body.

K-TEC 1228 ADT
Compatible CAT Trucks: 725, 730, 735
The K-Tec 1228 ADT is the smallest scraper pan in the K-Tec line up. With a heaped capacity of 21.4 Cubic Meters, this nimble machine is perfect for smaller earthmoving projects. The K-Tec 1228 ADT has a solid welded frame, which combined with the use of high-tensile Hardox steel, makes this an extremely light weight and durable scraper.
K-TEC 1237 ADT
Compatible CAT Trucks: 740, 745
The K-Tec 1237ADT is a ruggedly versatile earthmover, making it K-Tec’s most popular ADT scraper favored for equipment fleets. The modular 1237ADT scraper’s bolt-together design allows for an affordable international container shipment, and simple maintenance. This fast, strong, multi-purpose machine; carrying a heaped capacity of 28.28 Cubic Meters, is a powerful worker in any soil condition or job site application.
K-TEC 1243 ADT
Compatible CAT Trucks: 740, 745
When the job requires larger capacity with long haul roads, the K-Tec 1243ADT excels even in the toughest conditions. The 1243ADT scraper’s bolt-together design allows for simple maintenance and affordable international container shipping. While proficient in self-loading, the standard roller push block on the back of the scraper is smoothly matched for push support loading for swift cycle times of the 32.88 Cubic Meter heaped capacity scraper.
1237 ADT Train
Compatible CAT Trucks: 740, 745
Using a single CAT truck and one operator, the K-Tec 1237ADT Train doubles up efficiency by pulling two 1237 scrapers. On job sites with longer cut-zone and haul road areas, a massive advantage is gained to provide a tandem heaped capacity of 74 Cubic Yards. The 1237 ADT Train provides impressive production performance at the end of the day. This configuration has an added advantage since it can split into singles on your job site as conditions change.
Reduce emissions & reduce costLESS FUEL CONSUMPTION
Cut your fuel consumption and carbon footprint using one machine to do the job that’s often assigned to the three.
Run circles around the competitionRAPID CYCLE TIMES
K-Tec’s fast self-loading ADT scrapers increase your job-site productivity and haul loaded scrapers up to 35 mph.
Avoid getting stuck in wet conditionsSUPERIOR FLOTATION
K-Tec pull pan ejector scrapers have four large tires allowing for improved flotation when compared to the competition.
The true single operator solutionLESS SUPPORT EQUIPMENT NEEDED
With a K-Tec scraper behind a CAT ADT a single operator can load, transport and smoothly unload. This removes the need for an excavator, dozer and grader in many applications.BUILT FOR HARD WORK
The strength to handle tough conditionsBUILT FOR HARD WORK
High tensile, structural steel in critical stress areas provides heavy-duty wear resistance and a light-weight scraper machine.