A Productive Pairing
Contractors have recently been gaining large advantages in earthmoving, by using K-Tec earthmoving scrapers with Articulated Dump Trucks (ADT’s) as power units. This productive pairing of equipment provides a return on investment, leading to increased profitability.
The advantages start with a proven method to cost-effectively move more material. K-Tec scrapers are the largest in the industry, having the capability of loading as much as 63 cubic yards per scraper. Advantages are gained over smaller earthmoving equipment, as less trips to the dump site equates to money savings by trimming out wasted driving labour and fuel costs. The use of a high-horsepower ADT, also helps minimize the driving time on the haul road, as the even weight-distributed design of the earthmover enables a smooth and fast loaded ride.
Another advantage for contractors is the ability to convert their existing ADT fleet to haul K-Tec Earthmovers. K-Tec scrapers may be used with a variety of ADT model manufacturers including Volvo and Caterpillar. K-Tec’s gooseneck scraper design, along with a model-specific truck hitch may alter an ADT unit to haul more material for contractors. There are great financial savings of not having to purchase an additional exclusive ADT unit to use a pull-behind earthmover.
The ability of the K-Tec/ADT combo to perform in a variety of construction project applications is another benefit for contractors. The units have been successful in the mining industry by removing overburden and hauling product in coal and gypsum mines, as well as efficiency in larger mine reclamation projects. The earthmovers have been involved in the construction of cattle feedlots in the heartland of North America. Among numerous construction projects, K-Tec scrapers have also been key equipment in the transportation infrastructure industry in the building of roads and retention ponds in areas of Poland and Saudi Arabia.
If you don’t already own an ADT unit, you don’t need to look very hard to find one. ADT’s are becoming extremely popular in the construction equipment market, with dealerships set up all over the world. There is also plenty of supply in the used market, for contractors to add a unit to their fleet of construction equipment.
The nine different scraper models ranging from 28 to 63 cubic yards are manufactured in Manitoba, Canada by K-Tec Earthmovers. Thanks to their bolt-together design structure, they may be shipped by sea container to anywhere in the world. Visit www.ktec.com for more information.