Feeding the Worlds Largest
1263ADT Scrapers
On the plains of Texas lies acre upon acre of dairy feedlots. While the finished product of a dairy feedlot seems unimpressive, the development of the site involves bulk excavation, long haul roads, and precision finish grading.
Consider a jobsite in Dumas, Texas where 850,000 cubic yards were required to move within the project time-frame of 45 working days. In order to meet these strict timelines, the contractor ponied up for two of the World’s Largest Pull-Pan Ejector Scrapers: The K-Tec 1263ADT. These units each have a heaped capacity of 63 cubic yards and were pulled behind Caterpillar 740 and Deere 460 Articulated Dump Truck power-units. The K-Tec ADT hitch system transfers 32% of the scraper load weight directly to the point where the truck is designed to carry weight. The balanced machine provided for a modest fuel consumption of 18.5 Gallons per Hour. For operator comfort, a K-Tec exclusive in-cab digital display screen provided visual operating details, tracking load count productivity, and troubleshoot serviceability.
With a cut-zone of 750 feet, and desiring more than just a struck load capacity, the contractor push-loaded the scrapers for increased efficiency. To minimize the strain on operators and structural steel, the 1263ADT comes with a standard roller push-block innovation, which is an exclusive feature in today’s scraper market. Averaging a loading time of 90 seconds per scraper, the 1263’s climbed out of the borrow pit and headed down the 3500’ haul road at an average haul road speed of 25mph.
Once the 1263ADT scrapers reached the 1500 foot long feedlot pads, simply ejecting the load allowed for an even distribution of material that was packed and compacted in place. The full cycle time for the operation averaged 9 minutes.
The bulk excavating ability of the K-Tec 1263’s enabled the contractor to finish the dairy feedlot project on time. Consider a fleet of K-Tec Scrapers for your next massive earthmoving project by visiting www.ktec.com for more information.