

Keep up with everything K-Tec. Find tradeshows where you can get up close and personal with our machines and talk to our earthmoving machine experts!


Keep up with everything K-Tec. Find tradeshows where you can get up close and personal with our machines and talk to our earthmoving machine experts!


Feeding the Worlds Largest Scrapers

Feeding the Worlds Largest 1263ADT Scrapers On the plains of Texas lies acre upon acre of dairy feedlots. While the finished product of a dairy feedlot seems unimpressive, the development of the site involves bulk excavation, long haul roads, and precision finish grading. Consider a

July 12th, 2016|

Scrapers in Massive Houston Plant Construction

Scrapers Carry the Day in Massive Houston Plant Construction Larry Trojak - Author Trojak Communications Though it conjures up images of a small, home-based task, the phrase “the right tool for the right job,” is equally relevant in large construction projects. Failure to employ

February 2nd, 2016|

Earthmoving Scraper Maintenance

Earthmoving TLC: Scraper Maintenance Servicing and maintaining your earthmoving scraper is a necessary, yet unappealing activity. Earthmoving contractors want to be out in the cut moving dirt, instead of doing a daily inspection while holding a grease gun. It is critical to protect your earthmoving

December 21st, 2015|

Crushing the Competition with Efficient Scrapers

Crushing the Competition with Efficient Scraper Equipment A world leader in the aggregate industry with a rock-solid foundation of heritage, identified the need to introduce cutting edge equipment in the efficient transportation of quarried limestone.  Texas Crushed Stone Co (TCS) was established in 1947, and

August 15th, 2015|

Brisbane Airport Runway Project

Brisbane, Australia Airport's New Runway Project Project Summary: Developing a 3.3km long, 60m wide, located 2km west of and parallel to the existing runway. More than 12km of taxiways, navigational aids, airfield infrastructure and hundreds of hectares of airfield landscaping. Project Timeframe: 2014 – 2020 Material to

June 17th, 2015|

Rental Focus on Weapons Range

Rental Focus on Weapons Range It’s not often that you send out rental equipment to a previously active weapons range.  “We got the call from NEU Security Services that they were looking for a full package of equipment for a year-plus project,” said Bruce Stetler,

July 15th, 2014|


Visit us at ConExpo 2026!

Dates: March 3-7, 2026

Location: Las Vegas, NV

Booth: TBD

The largest construction show in North America is back in 2026 and we’ll be there featuring new products, new technologies and innovative earthmoving solutions! Come and see the versatility live in our booth and experience the K-Tec Advantage!


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