

Keep up with everything K-Tec. Find tradeshows where you can get up close and personal with our machines and talk to our earthmoving machine experts!


Keep up with everything K-Tec. Find tradeshows where you can get up close and personal with our machines and talk to our earthmoving machine experts!


Groundbreaking Innovation in Scraper Manufacturing

Groundbreaking Innovation in Scraper Manufacturing Using conventional scrapers for earthmoving in the Red River Valley’s clay-based soil has always been a challenge for farmers and contractors in the region – but K-Tec Earthmovers founder, Ken Rempel, was determined to develop equipment that would meet their

June 16th, 2014|

Scratching the Surface of Scrapers

Scratching the Surface of Scrapers GX Contractor Lori Lovely - Author Everyone knows that scrapers provide an economical method for moving dirt, but because every job is different, choosing the right scraper can be complicated. However, in order to be more competitive in bidding

May 10th, 2014|

Special Challenges Call for Special Solutions

Special Challenges Call for Special Solutions Derrick Butterfield - Author Volvo CE With a tight timeframe and more than 2.5 million cubic yards (2 675,942 m3) of material to be hauled, the Volvo A40F FS articulated hauler combined with a K-Tec scraper from Canadian

April 8th, 2014|

Volvo Signs Agreement with K-Tec

This relationship will also allow the Volvo CE dealership the opportunity to represent the K-Tec product offering on a world-wide basis.

July 4th, 2013|

Dirt Work, Texas Style

Dirt Work, Texas Style Lori Lovely - Author Wayne “Dirt” Dworaczyk, owner of Dirt Works in Blanco, TX finds plenty of ways to use the two scrapers he purchased from K-Tec Earthmovers Inc. An experienced contractor in all phases of road work, site work,

March 14th, 2013|

America’s Largest Landfill

America's Largest Landfill Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc. performed the site preparation work for the nation’s largest landfill. Moving over 1.2 million square yards of dirt, Bloomsdale delivered high quality work, met an aggressive production schedule, as well as providing a cutting edge, competitive bid. Most

October 31st, 2012|


Visit us at ConExpo 2026!

Dates: March 3-7, 2026

Location: Las Vegas, NV

Booth: TBD

The largest construction show in North America is back in 2026 and we’ll be there featuring new products, new technologies and innovative earthmoving solutions! Come and see the versatility live in our booth and experience the K-Tec Advantage!


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